Sunday, December 30

[[[Big Sigh of Relief]]]

Do you hear that? It's my big sigh of relief. My second job is over, Christmas is over and done (last family christmas gathering was Saturday). The decorations are almost put away. I am ready for the New year to begin. I need a break from all the busy, busy, busy.

Christmas was wonderful, it all seems like a blur now. The boys were very excited over the presents and Christmas money from family. Thank you! It seems this year was the year of games, the boys received several board games and it's been lots of fun playing them together. I didn't take lots of pictures, mostly video.
We made cookies and put out milk and cookies for Santa. Josh was amazed that Santa really drank the milk, he had to show everybody the empty cup. We read the Night before Christmas. I remember many Christmas eve's my sister reading to me and putting me to bed. Michael was ready for bed very early on Christmas eve. He has a habit of going to bed very early and getting us up extremely early, thankfully he slept until 6 am.
Josh's birthday is Friday. I always feel like his birthday gets less attention than others since it falls so close to the holidays. This year I'm starting a new tradition for his birthday to give it a little more celebration. I've left the tree up and we will decorate it as a birthday tree.
I mentioned it to Josh tonight and he seemed really into it. He kept looking through boxes asking me where the birthday decorations were.
It's been a wonderful holiday and I'm so thankful for all of our family and friends! Cheers to 2008!


Anonymous said...

Happy (almost) New Year Jen! I love the birthday tree idea, make sure you post pictures!

Anonymous said...

I always had so much fun reading first The Night Before Christmas then reading the Christmas story from the Bible before tucking you in to bed to have dreams of Christmas morning! :O) We'd have a fire in the fireplace even if it wasn't cold, just to make the atmosphere right. Of course, in Oklahoma most Christmases it was certainly cold enough. I always planned to pass that tradition on to my kids, but life doesn't always work out as planned. :o) I'm very thankful I had those times and I'm glad they were special to you, too.