Friday, November 24

I have survived....

the madness of Black Friday. The outlet where Barry works decided to follow other outlet shopping centers throughout the US and begin Black Friday shopping at midnight following Thanksgiving. Since Barry needed to be there throughout the day on Friday, I got the 12-6 am shift. I thought this would be a breeze because nobody would be out shopping at midnight, who would be so crazy? Let me tell you there are alot of craaaazzzy shoppers out there! My first clue as I was driving into Lancaster was the amount of cars in my two lanes, I thought to my self "Wow, there sure is alot of traffic over here, and there are no cars over on the other side" Then when the traffic came to a dead stop and I was about 5 miles from the outlets I thought, "must be a wreck, tying up traffic" I was wrong. What I thought would be a very slow night, turned into a madhouse from midnight to 4 am. around then people started leaving for breakfast and getting in line for those big sales at Target, K-mart, etc. ZZZ, SZZZ, sorry I fell asleep for a second. I am so tired right now I could sleep, but I'm not sure what my house would look like or where my children would be after I woke up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You wouldn't catch me shopping between midnight and 6:00 a.m. ANY day! The only exception is if somebody had an emergency and needed some meds or something. I have never understood the appeal of the madness of Black Friday. I think I can get bargains any time of the year and I don't have to fight that madness and get mawled! YIKES! I'll bet you slept good Friday night, though! :o)